Posts written by ÐiØbito

  1. .
    Chapter title- "Anarchy in the Big Mom"

    - Ulti recovers from Nami's attack.

    - Nami uses the "Tornado Tempo" against Ulti, who dodges it and prepares to defeat Nami.

    - Big Mom uses a combined attack from Napoleon, Prometheus, and Hera to attack Ulti, who is KO'd.

    - Hera was created at the request of Prometheus, who asked Big Mom that he wanted a girlfriend (it is what we see in the drawing).

    - Zeus sees Hera and breaks her heart.

    - Big Mom: "I don't need you anymore, Zeus. Hera, you can eat it."

    - Zeus begs for his life but Big Mom does not take pity on him.

    - Big Mom tries to attack Nami and Usopp. Zeus, who flees from Hera, tries to apologize to Nami.

    - Zeus is sacrificing himself for Nami to escape.

    - Kid enters the scene using his "Punk Gibson" against Big Mom.

    - We move on to Kaidou Vs. Luffy.

    - Kaidou: "The result was obvious ... I got excited like I hadn't been in a while, but I made a mistake ...I should have slit your throat and" declared my victory ".That way, no one would have believed that you could win ... "

    - At the end of the chapter, we see Luffy KO falling from Onigashima to the sea ...

  2. .
  3. .
    spoiler aggiornati in grassetto

  4. .
    Chapter 1,011: "Anko no Jingi" ( "The Moral Code of Red Bean Paste". )

    - Killer and Kid are scared to see that Big Mom returns flying even without Zeus.

    - Big Mom creates a new homie called "Hera". It's a female homie that seems to be made purely of thunder (we can't see her 100% yet).

    - Big Mom uses a new attack called "Fulgora" (Shake and Thunder - 震御雷). It's a massive thunderattack to test Hera's power.

    - Zeus, who has escaped from Kid's metal box since his powers have been weakened, goes to look for Big Mom.

    - There is a conversation between Kaidou and Luffy in which it seems that Kaidou says that he isenjoying the fight.

    - Law teleports with Zoro and Zeus, leaving Luffy alone.

    - Kid and Killer arrive at the castle after an attack by Big Mom and confront Hawkins. In the end, Killer is the one who faces Hawkins alone and Kid leaves to find Big Mom

    - Page One chases Nami, Usopp and Tama.

    - Tama goes to the Live Floor to give an order to the Gifters who have eaten her kibi dango. This way she will end her role in the war.

    - Usopp manages to slow down/stop Page One.

    - While they are running, Nami, Usopp and Tama meet Big Mom.

    - Nami and Usopp are terrified. Tama calls her Olin and talks to her in a friendly way.

    - Big Mom is friendly to Tama. Prometheus says that she has entered her "mother" mode that only comes out with children under 10 years of age.

    - Big Mom is grateful to Tama and the people of the Okobore Ward for taking care of her while she lost her memory and for feeding her. She says that pirates have a moral code but Kaidou's subordinates don't and is enraged when Tama tells her that Okobore Town has been destroyed by Kaidou's subordinates.

    - Page One is chasing them again. He tells Big Mom not to let Nami and the rest run away.

    - However, Big Mom is the one who attacks Page One. Big Mom uses "Color of the Supreme King" when she punches him. She doesn't touch him.

    - Big Mom: "You have no morals?"

    - The chapter ends with Ulti in shock upon seeing the scene.

    Edited by ÐiØbito - 21/4/2021, 14:56
  5. .
    Chapter title - "Hell"

    - Kinemon and his group meet Orochi face to face.

    - The Red Scabbards defeat Orochi while he is transformed into his Yamato no Orochi form (although it is not known if he is really dead).

    - Raizou Vs. Fukurokuju.

    Kid: "Trafalgar !! Can't you send one of them away with your ability?

    Law:" If I could I would have done it already !! Their Haki is so strong that I cannot move them.

    - Luffy: "Watch out, a big one is coming !!"

    - Big Mom and Kaidou attack at the same time.

    - Zoro stops the attack for a moment and is injured but the rest manage to dodge it.

    - Luffy attacks Kaidou, and Kaidou returns the attack by throwing a lightning bolt through his mouth (which is seen in the image)

    - Law uses shambles to put Zeus in a metal box created by Kid.

    - Zoro cuts Prometheus.

    - Killer attacks Napoleon.

    - Thanks to a combined attack from Kid and Law since he does not have Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon, they manage to throw Big Mom out of Onigashima and she falls into the sea.
  6. .

    -Queen dice ai subordinati infettati queste parole:

    "Pleasures , la feccia che ride a causa del fallimento nell'ottenere i poteri dei frutti, e Waiters, che non otterranno mai uno Smile indipendentemente da quanto dovranno aspettare, dovreste sentirvi meglio ora che siete diventati utili a causa del virus"

    - Nella scena in cui Chopper colpisce Queen, il primo dice furioso: "Non sono un cane-procione" dal momento che tutti lo stavano chiamando in quel modo. Marco si scusa con lui.

    -Si parla del "fattore di lignaggio" in relazione al frutto del diavolo di Momo: Vegapunk ha studiato il corpo di Kaido approfonditamente mentre era prigioniero della Marina per creare un frutto del diavolo artificiale. Lo scienziato, tuttavia, afferma che il frutto artificiale è un fallimento, per cui viene conservato.

    Il personaggio inaspettato è Oden!

    Oden: "Volevo incontrarvi!" // "Sono invecchiato molto!"

    I samurai sono sorpresi. Quando Oden attraversa la porta c'è del fumo per terra ed ha con sé due spade, una bianca e una nera!

    Edited by ÐiØbito - 10/3/2021, 17:35
  7. .
    Titolo: Signor Cane-procione (Tanuki-san)

    - Molti membri della Mimawarigumi e degli Oniwabanshu sono stati sconfitti da Hyougorou.

    - Queen parla ai suoi subordinati infettati dal "Demone di ghiaccio", sembra che li prenda in giro e dica loro che sono inutili (questa parte non è chiara).

    - Chopper utilizza gli anticorpi prima che Hyougorou muoia.

    - Chopper infatti ha creato un antidoto gassoso basato sugli anticorpi e lo diffonde nella stanza tramite un cannone.

    - Queen attacca Chopper, ma i Pleasures difendono quest'ultimo volontariamente.

    - Chopper utilizza una Rumble Ball per trasformarsi in "Monster Point" e colpisce Queen mentre Marco lo tiene fermo.

    - Appaiono Yamato e Momonosuke.

    - La CP0 parla di Vegapunk e del "fattore di lignaggio".

    - Le corazze rosse incontrano un personaggio inaspettato (negli spoiler non viene specificato chi sia).

  8. .
    Chapter title is- "The Night on the board"

    Brief summary-

    - The chapter begins with Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Gatoringu with which the previous one ended.

    - After his attack, Luffy loses Gear 4 and cannot use his haki for 10 minutes.

    - Big Mom uses her attack "Hahaba" (Mother Grandmother) against Luffy, but Zoro intervenes.

    - Law uses "Countershock" against BIg Mom.

    - Kaidou uses an attack called "Vortex Wind" (or something like that) against Killer and Kid.

    - Kaidou bites Luffy.

    - Zoro uses the attack "Black Dragon Tornado" against Kaidou and saves Luffy again (it is the drawing he has made).

    - Kaidou is damaged and notices Oden's sword.

    - Kaidou uses another attack (does not give the name) that affects a large area.

    - CP0 appear,

    - Then they analyze the battle on a board with tiles.

    The samurai had 5,400 cash, they have lost 400. Kaidou had 30,000 and has lost 3,000.

    - Kaidou's hybrid form appears at the end

  9. .
    Chapter is titled- "Yonkou Vs. New Generation"

    Brief summary thanks to Redon-

    - Kaido uses a new attack called "Great Wind". Zoro uses Enma against it (not mentioned whether to block/slice/counter it)

    - Luffy uses a new attack called “*Gomu Gomu no Kong Rifle” (the one that korean leaker drew).

    - New Kid attack called “Slam Gibson”.

    - Law uses “Gamma Knife”.

    - New Killer attack is called “Kamaa Sonic”, he attacks Kaidou with it.

    - New Big Mom attack called “Indra” (lightning attack), she attacks Killer.

    - Luffy uses “Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider” against Kaidou.

    - Kaidou uses “Boro Breath” against Luffy but Zoro stops it with Kinemon's “Kitsunebiryuu:Homurasaki” and attacks Kaido with a Flying Dragon flame technique (might be the one he used vsRyuma in ThrillerBark)

    - Kaidou senses Oden in Zoro's sword.

    - Big Mom uses a new lightning attack, lightning appears from everywhere.

    - Luffy is not affected from Big Mom's attack, she asks why and Luffy says "Because I'm rubber".

    - Kaidou hits Luffy with his “Bolo Breath” but it doesn't work.

    - Luffy uses a new attack called “Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling” against Kaidou.

  10. .
    - Zoro usa la tecnica "Taglio della fiamma" di Kinemon
    - Big Mom ha un attacco basato su palle di fuoco.
    - Rufy e Kid fanno una battuta su tale tecnica
    - Rufy e le altre supernovae fanno qualcosa (non viene specificato cosa)
    - La maggior parte del capitolo è composta da battaglie

  11. .
    Titolo: Rufy "Cappello di paglia"

    - Rufy raggiunge il 5° piano e grazie a Shishilian e al gruppo di Inuarashi arriva sul tetto.

    - Marco blocca gli attacchi di King e Queen e lancia Zoro sul tetto.

    - Yamato dice che nel diario di bordo di Oden c'è scritto che "i giovani pirati arriveranno nel Nuovo Mondo fra 20 anni"

    - Ace ricorda che Rufy disse a lui e a Sabo qualcosa a proposito del suo sogno. Entrambi risero, ma pensavano che Rufy avrebbe potuto farcela

    - Ace dice a Yamato di non ridere, ma lei dice che non l'avrebbe fatto dal momento che il Re dei pirati disse la stessa cosa

    - Yamato dà a Ace una Vivre Card.

    - Rufy, Zoro, Law, Kid e Killer Vs. Kaido e Big Mom.

    - Kaido: "Diccelo in faccia un'altra volta! Cos'è che vuoi diventare?"

    - Kinemon e i foderi arrivano al piano di sotto grazie ai poteri di Law.

    - Rufy ricorda i suoi amici di Wano.

    - Rufy attacca Kaido con il "Gum Gum Red Rock" (nuovo colpo).

    - Big Mom a Kaido: "Come hai permesso che ti colpisse così facilmente?"

    - Rufy: "Io sono Monkey D. Rufy (detto Rubber). Vi supererò e diventerò il Re dei pirati."

    Pausa del Jump anche dopo il capitolo 1000; il 1001 uscirà il 15/01
  12. .
    ragazzi, piccolo avviso... non so se lo sapete o meno, ve lo scrivo comunque :osd:


    Settimana prossima c'è pausa del Jump, quindi in teoria il capitolo sarà disponibile venerdì 01;
    tuttavia è possibile che le scan siano reperibili prima, intorno al 27 dicembre. Stay tuned.

    Buona discussione ^^
  13. .

    Settimana prossima c'è pausa del Jump, quindi in teoria il capitolo sarà disponibile venerdì 01;
    tuttavia è possibile che le scan siano reperibili prima, intorno al 27 dicembre. Stay tuned.

  14. .
    No :osd:

    Anche perché non comandi nulla :sisi:
  15. .
    -It seems that Who's Who already knew Jinbe when he was a Shichibukai-

    -Jinbe wants to know who he is by removing the mask from Who's Who.-

    -At the end of the chapter we see Ace's silhouette
1071 replies since 14/8/2013