Posts written by °Yuki

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    Cover: Will the mistake be repeated? The forbidden past of mother and daughter

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    The mystery of Erza's birth cross over the time and space and now...!
    400 years ago, Dragnov Kingdom

    Soldier 1: I heard that on the West continent people are still being attacked.
    Soldier 2: By dragons?
    Dragon: It seems, that West dragons lack inteligence.

    Page 2:
    Soldier 1: Sage Dragon, Lord Belserion.
    Soldier 2: You came back from your inspection.
    Belserion: Yes... The things on the West are much worse than we imagined. Where's Irene?
    Soldier: Oh, the queen shall be in the central garden.

    Page 3:
    Belserion: Irene.
    Irene: Belserion, you came back.

    Page 5:
    Lucy: Natsu.
    Happy: Open your eyes...
    Wendy: According to Anna, Dragon Slayers magic was invented by a person called Irene.
    Natsu: Wendy, when did you...?!
    Gajeel: Don't be so surprised everytime inside your own heart.
    Natsu: But that's all you guys are doing! Aren't you here to show me the cause of my death?!
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    Araki,visto che è molto appassionato di cinema ha preso spunto da personaggi come Stallone e Schwarzenegger :asd: che poi una cosa bella di questo manga è che si può notare la sua crescita..dalla storia ai disegni❤
    Poi se siete curiosi ci sono anche sei disegni su Jonathan,joseph,caesar ecc con lo stile di adesso ..da delle cover a jojonium 9vCnd
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    Lo stile cambia,saranno tutt'altro che "omaccioni"
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    CITAZIONE (Mad Arrow @ 5/12/2016, 17:47) 
    "Dragon Queen Armor" is coming...


    Vabbè dopo il nakama armor ormai mi aspetto di tutto :lol2:
    Per conto mio Erza non doveva entrarci nulla con i draghi :salverme: che personaggio sempre più odioso
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    Che Erza venga dal passato? :/: Domanda random :osd:
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    Ma sì probabilmente l'ha dimenticata :asd: e lei si è rivolta a lui come "Acnologia-sama" ..un legame ci sarà. Molti stanno ipotizzando che Erza sia la figlia di loro due.. :sisi:

    Maaa c'è sempre un buco di 400 anni :osd: Erza Who are you
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    Nope,acnolgia ed Eileen
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    Dal che mi ricordo Acnlogia non la conosceva quando si sono incontrati
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    Quel drago mi sembra lo stesso che ha fatto fuori il villaggio della famiglia di Natsu
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    CITAZIONE (M a T_T e O @ 3/12/2016, 00:17) 
    Erza dragon slayer??? lol

    Regina dei Draghi :asd:

    Irene says she is Erza’s mother. Erza says she was alone the whole time in rosemary, and she didn’t think she had parents. The only one she calls a parent is Master.

    Irene says doesn’t matter to her. She thought Erza died a long time ago. They continue battling and Irene exchanges the following “Wouldn’t it be inconvenient to die without even knowing where you came from. Let’s talk about the past a bit.”

    Erza says, “Don’t need to”

    Irene says “My name is Irene Berserion, I was once the Queen of the Dragons.”
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    Immagini spoiler 513
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    Non credevo che Sting fosse la mamma di Larcade

    Edited by °Yuki - 28/11/2016, 14:42
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    Altri spoiler

    Page 3:
    Sting: I'm... inside the shadows... That's right... My senses are getting sharper! All right!
    Larcade: I can see you! Pour soul! Fly into the free heavens!
    Sting: This is Unison Raid of me, Rogue and Kagura!
    Kagura: Me too?

    Page 4:
    Sting: White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk!
    Larcade: Aaaaaa!!!

    Page 5:
    Porlyusica: The only thing we can do is to warm him with someone's body. The warmth of other person... and feelings... We can only wait for a miracle.
    Lucy: ............... Yes.
    Natsu: Zeref...
    Happy: !
    Natsu: Zeref... I'll... defeat you... Zeref...
    Happy: Stop it, Natsu...
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    Dimenticavo questa

    A me sto Larcade mi ha già stufato .-.
    Comunque una "rivincita"da parte di sabertooth ci voleva,visto che le ha prese solo,ma non dovrebbe batterlo .-.
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    Spoiler 512
    Sting Madre di Larcade confirmed? ._.
1123 replies since 17/10/2012