Posts written by ExisPhantaminum

  1. .
    CITAZIONE (¬G. Black @ 19/11/2022, 08:51) 
    La brigata è sempre stata fredda e spietata , ma con carattere grigio, ma un cambiamento drastico sulla storia dei Kuruta per me sarebbe alla pari dei soliti manga che per dare il colpo di scena , retconnano robe passate e non mi piacerebbe
    Alla fine Chrollo dice che uno dei motivi per cui uccidono con così tanta facilità , è perché non hanno legami con le persone che uccidono di solito, quindi non provano nulla.

    Aspetterei almeno la fine del flashback prima di trarre le conclusioni. Non per fare il difensore di HxH/Togashi visto che non sono stato sempre d'accordo con lo svolgimento dei fatti (Hisoka, il capitolo 362 con Volk assente e che appare dal nulla nel capitolo scorso ecc ecc). Togashi ha detto che esisteva un lato B di quella storia. Vediamo questo lato b...

    Per quanto riguardo le parole di Nobunaga, penso si riferisca a Uvo e Paku

    Può essere come no. Se non ho collegato le parole di Nobunaga a Uvo e Pakunoda è perchè nel discorso tra lui e Phinks fanno riferimento a quando hanno formato il loro gruppo.
  2. .
    Finalmente conosceremo le origini della Brigata... vediamo quanti capitoli dura, ma dai tweet/schizzi di Togashi dovrebbe durare almeno fino al

    397 e nel 398 si ritorna al presente

    E' impossibile non amare i membri della Brigata, c'è poco da fare, come caratterizza Togashi i personaggi pochi ci riescono. E non abbiamo visto ancora il proseguo della storia che sarà sicuramente a tinte nere perchè già sappiamo dei rapimenti (ma penso che i 3 bambini incappucciati in questo capitolo non siano parte integrante della storia ma un esempio che Togashi ci ha voluto far vedere di ciò che succedeva all'epoca) e questa frase detta da Nobunaga lascia pochi dubbi:

    E mi viene da pensare che la causa scatenante di tutto sia Sarasa.

    Già sappiamo che il ragno è stato formato più avanti come vediamo nel capitolo 114 quando i bambini erano cresciuti, quindi penso che vedremo questo intervallo di tempo fino alla fine del flashback:

    Quello su cui mi soffermerei (e che a me interessa di più visto che ho sempre detto che Quoll/Kuroro/Chrollo o come lo si voglia chiamare è il mio personaggio preferito in HxH) è l'evoluzione di Quoll, da bambino buono, innocente, indifeso a quello che noi conosciamo oggi.

    Nel capitolo 114 nella scan che ho postato sotto spoiler c'è sempre stato qualcosa che mi ha lasciato a che pensare, ed è la reazione dei presenti alle parole del giovane Quoll, sembrano increduli/stupiti dalle parole di questo come se non avessero assistito alla sua crescita, mi vengono in mente 2 ipotesi:

    1) Quoll viene vestito di autorità dagli anziani e in quel momento mostra la sua determinazione nel portare a compimento ciò che gli è stato assegnato.

    2) Che Quoll sia stato rapito da bambino e sia stato per diverso tempo fuori da Meteor City, al suo "ritorno" crea la Brigata.

    Immagino che vedremo altre chicche su Meteor City, come l'anziano vecchio possessore di Sun e Moon, lo abbiamo già visto nelle vesti di reietto ma che sia lui?

    In questo capitolo abbiamo assistito a altre 2 cose: la nascita del "patto di ritorsione" e Sheila (e già viene evidenziato come si perda sempre, si faccia male cadendo e la sua passione per il libro Dino Hunter).

    La Brigata ha massacrato i Kuruta per quale motivo? Una ritorsione sembra essere la causa scatenante, non mi ci vedo i Kuruta acquistare bambini dall'esterno per non far morire il clan (si parla di membri esterni al clan nel capitolo 0, ma Quoll e soci gli avrebbero riconosciuti). Erano discriminati come clan o la paura della gente trovava radici in altri motivi?
    Ma se è stata vendetta quale sarà la reazione di Kurapika? Perchè Uvo e gli altri non hanno mai detto nulla? tutto questo mette hype per i capitoli a venire...
  3. .
    CITAZIONE (¬G. Black @ 17/11/2022, 15:51) 
    Mi pare ovvio che sia una parodia dei 12 apostoli , con Chrollo come Gesù( ha pure la croce)

    Questo è il significato che attribuiamo un po tutti... che poi potrebbe essere il più probabile anche per la frase su Giuda. E' il 13 il numero ambiguo visto che può significare "la sommossa di Lucifero" (da cui prende nome il personaggio di Quoll Lucifer) o "la morte" nei tarocchi.
  4. .
    CITAZIONE (SuperDio Assop @ 17/11/2022, 12:43) 
    Per quanto riguarda chi morira se seguo la mia ipotesi dovrebbe essere Feitan o Phinks :mmm: optò per il secondo perché insieme a Shalnark e Kortopi entrò dopo :D

    Io invece seguo la linea che a morire sarà uno dei 7 fondatori


    Che poi i ragni hanno 8 zampe (a meno che in quel capitolo il 114 il ragno aveva già perduto 2 zampe, Sheila e Sarada) , mi piacerebbe anche sapere il perchè (sempre se c'è un motivo) Togashi ne ha voluto uno con 12
  5. .
    CITAZIONE (SuperDio Assop @ 16/11/2022, 18:48) 
    Se questo FB preannuncia veramente la morte di un membro, allora dovrebbe essere uno tra Nobunaga, Feitan & Phinks :mmm:

    A sto punto inizio a credere che a morire sia Nobunaga


    Questa immagine/schizzo appartiene al capitolo 398.

    Questi sono i personaggi del flashback, il titolo del capitolo dovrebbe essere Formazione (1) che sta a significare che non è un capitolo unico ma un insieme di capitoli che racconterà la nascita della Brigata.


    Oltre questi 10 abbiamo Nobunaga, Bonolenov, Kortopi che formano un gruppo di 13 elementi. Sappiamo che uno dei componenti è stato ucciso da Silva (e mai vendicato anzi con con gli Zoldyck ora ci collaborano, potrebbe essere l'8 numero poi preso da Shizuku) e il 4 rimpiazzato da Hisoka (non so se il Toga voglia rendere Omokage dal film Phantom Rouge canonico). Non mi vedo Silva ammazzare una tra Sheila e Sarada se fossero membri originali e KiKyo (info esterne al manga quindi non confermata) proviene da Meteor City.

    C'è qualcosa che non quadra o qualcosa che non c'è stato ancora mostrato (nell'ipotesi che ho in mente), inizio a pensare che il traffico di esseri umani raccontato in questo capitolo abbia coinvolto Sarada... ci penso un po su :=/:
  6. .
    CITAZIONE (SuperDio Assop @ 16/11/2022, 16:06) 
    Si potrebbe starci :mmm:
    Sicuramente il FB sara diviso a pezzi per rendere meglio tutta la cosa :D

    In quante parti lo divide... l'importante è che lo porta a termine :asd: questo flashback va ricollegato al capitolo 102


    Ah prima ho fatto un po di confusione... la ragazza ha un nome: Sarasa, intendevo quella mai vista prima.
  7. .
    CITAZIONE (SuperDio Assop @ 16/11/2022, 14:49) 
    Gia mi ero sempre chiesto di questa faccenda :mmm:
    La Vendetta gia la volava conpiere Kurapika, quindi io opterei per un piano progettato o un equivoco :D

    Sheila non da l'aria di essere una persona "pericolosa" ma mai dare certezze con Togashi... proviamo a ipotizzare:

    - Sheila va via da Meteor City, gli abitanti di Meteor City sanno dove è diretta (più o meno la zona)

    - Sheila improvvisamente scompare

    - La Brigata (e ora sappiamo che si conoscono) va alla ricerca di Sheila

    - Trovano il villaggio dei Kuruta

    - Pensano che Sheila sia stata rapita o in qualche modo i Kuruta centrano con la sua scomparsa

    - Massacrano i Kuruta e si prendono gli occhi come risarcimento

    - Però sappiamo che dopo una viaggiatrice (probabile sia la stessa Sheila persa nel bosco) racconta al mondo del massacro.

    - Qui ci sarebbe l'equivoco.

    Ma sarebbe un risvolto interessante se chi vuole vendetta (Kurapika) non si trovasse dalla parte della ragione:

    - Sheila è una esploratrice mandata da Meteor City per individuare la posizione dei Kuruta per via di una disputa tra i 2 popoli e eventuale vendetta

    - Sheila li trova e comunica la posizione, la brigata arriva e vendica il torto subito da Meteor City dai Kuruta

    - Sheila riferisce il messaggio come monito a altri popoli di quello che succede se qualcuno fa un torto a Meteor City

    C'è da capire anche il ruolo di questa bambina mai vista prima:


    Edited by ExisPhantaminum - 16/11/2022, 17:25
  8. .
    Quello che mi interessa di più è sapere realmente chi è Sheila (capitolo 0). Ora sappiamo che proviene da Meteor City, Togashi disse che esisteva un lato B nella storia sul massacro dei Kuruta. Sappiamo che gli abitanti di Meteor City sono vendicativi. Quindi è stata Sheila la scintilla dello scatenarsi della Brigata?

    Io ho sempre ipotizzato che ci fosse qualcosa di strano in quella storia, perchè l'ultima pagina aveva un significato di vendetta:


    Finalmente sembra arrivato il momento di fare luce su quella vicenda e il ruolo di Sheila in tutto questo. Il massacro dei Kuruta era un piano progettato, una vendetta o un equivoco?
  9. .
    HxH 395 summary made by 브이브

    Hinrigh speculated that heil=ly members are most likely teleported to other location by nen. it is the nen he thinks that moves around heil=ly's members

    They are not likely using some secret passages.

    2. Hinrigh, Wang, and tserri's private soldiers are talking about heil=ly's ostensible hideout which turned out fake.

    And they are gonna search two heil=ly's men that hinrigh found.

    Those private soldiers are not gonna participate in "search" thing,

    Because their faces've already been known to heil=ly,

    but if there were men killed by two other mafias, then they would appear at the police station as stand-in, instead.

    Wang explained to troupe about room 3101 about the possible trap. But troupe said "they don't care".

    3. Nobunaga looking into heil=ly's hideout, recalled themselves back then. When they used to be clumbsy, but think they could get anything.

    4. Flashback.

    They weren't one team back then.


    Vs. Uvo&Machi

    Vs. Phinos&Feitan.

    For them, those videos they get from the garbage piles are like treasure and valuable things. Through those videos(foreign language courses or anime), they get information and fun.

    Uvo is the one who wants the attention and he claims "his territory" so in his territory, only uvo team can exclusively possess the things from garbage piles. That's why they fight each other.

    5. Chrollo loves to learn foreign languages and already has fluency of them. Two foreign languages are ゲルマ語(germa language; the official(common language))

    and ジャンナ語(janna language; which is kind of dialect of ゲルマ語)

    6. But there were serious problems in meteor city. It's hunting and kidnapping(human trafficking) of people in the city.

    Because there is NO any kind of certificate that the people EXIST.

    Meteor city remained safe through the connection with mafia.

    The Mafia,however, kidnapped hundreds of people every year, 70 percent of whom were children under the age of 15, in return for the safety.

    At the same time as the bond with the mafia became stronger, people who awakened their abilities among the elders began to appear, and pledges were created that underpinned the "revenge rule."

    "Life is atonement only by life."

    "We don't reject anything. So don't take anything from us."

    The Phantom Troupe was born when people around the world began to call the meteor city (inhabited by people who were not treated like humans) with fear.

    7. Chrollo has secretly studied alone at church watching videos. But pakunoda knew that. He said "paku, you know everything about us" 8. The father and the elder were amazed by chrollo who is exploratory, eager to study, and has original ideas. The elder even wants to bring him at a council of the elders cuz Chrollo may provide a clue to solve meteor city's various problems. 9. When Chrollo played the video with paku, nothing came out. So they were confused. (But actually chrollo played it more for about 10 minutes with a fast forward, then the animation came out he said.) (The animation's name is カタヅケンジャ 清掃戦隊 which means "cleaning people" roughly) And the next day, he proposed :how about dubbing of the animation? We can enjoy the animation without subtitle, but it could be more joyful if we understand the meaning." Chrollo listened to every single lines of the animation and wrote all of them inro screenplay. And he started to dub with paku, shiela and sarasa(new face). The end.
  10. .
    Hunter x Hunter 395 Full Raw
  11. .
    Hunter x Hunter 395 Immagini Spoiler

  12. .
    CITAZIONE (Sminchius @ 15/11/2022, 13:03) 
    Ottimo, quindi potremmo arrivare ad un punto in cui togashi scriverà solo il testo, ed i disegni dovremo immaginarceli.
    Beh a me va bene uguale :asd:

    A parte il 388 che è un 398... :asd:

    Sta solo avvertendo di una mancanza nel capitolo 395 che non ha potuto correggere nella versione Jump (probabile che abbia già consegnato il capitolo) e che la mancanza nei pannelli "incriminati" si trova nei suoi manoscritti e verrà corretta nel volume.
  13. .
    Tweet di Togashi


    No395.The fourth and

    the sixth panel, the raw manuscript has a person in it, so I could see the person in my brain.

    I hope you can compose them in your brain.

    I would appreciate it if you could synthesize them in your brain.


    No395.Il quarto e

    il sesto pannello, il manoscritto grezzo contiene una persona, quindi ho potuto vedere la persona nel mio cervello.

    Spero che tu possa comporli nel tuo cervello.

    Apprezzerei se potessi sintetizzarli nel tuo cervello.
  14. .
    E' stato un capitolo di transizione, e i dialoghi "abbondanti" questa volta non sono stati invasivi, visto che non ci sono vignette riempite solo di testo (come nel caso di Rihan, aggiustate poi nel volume) ma erano contornate di disegni.

    Ora possiamo dedurre a che categoria Nen appartiene Ou Ken'i. 1) concretizzazione visto che il suo potere è visibile, 2) emissione (in tal caso ipotizzo una abilità di teletrasporto).

    Hinrigh è molto vicino alla base di Morena, tramite il gatto telecamera sta monitorando tutti i movimenti dal corridoio C8 31 (tutte le stanze usate da Morena e soci iniziano con un 31- seguite da 2 numeri).

    Morena vuole che venga catturata una guardia del 4 principe per poterlo mettere sotto controllo, sempre pensato che Morena fosse della manipolazione. Ora bisogna capire se Morena può contaminare altre persone visto che alcuni suoi uomini sono morti o se la sua abilità funziona anche come quella di Baise (la bodyguard dei Nostrade).

    Il maggiordomo/spia mandato da Morena in cui si parla nel capitolo è questo :siga: (cap384):

    La stanza dove hanno fatto irruzione le guardie private di Tserri risale al capitolo 379

    Ora arriva la parte più "difficile" del capitolo: le guardie private di Tserri, si conoscono perchè hanno fatto l'accademia militare insieme e sono fedeli al principe con il quale hanno un rapporto amore-odio e sono fedeli al principe stesso come sono fedeli le guardie di Benjamin al primo principe e le guardie di Camilla al/alla secondo/a.

    Viene spiegato che le indagini saranno manipolate, ma potrebbe insospettire l'Associazione Hunter (AH)e farla intervenire di conseguenza. Tra i compiti dell'AH ci sono la difesa dei principi e il supporto sul ponte 3. I problemi tra i reali di Kakin e la mafia e i secondalsi ora sconosciuti all'AH potrebbero far intervenire questi perchè rientrerebbe nei loro compiti (protezione principi e mantenere l'ordine sulla nave) portandoli a uno scontro con la Mafia.

    Da questo scontro AH e la Mafia però ci sarebbero 2 conseguenze:

    - Avvantaggiare il principe Benjamin che è a capo delle truppe di Kakin (che con la mafia non ha nulla a che fare)

    - Scoppierebbe una guerra tra Mafia e nazione di Kakin (e Kakin potrebbe trovarsi in difficoltà numericamente nel caso la Mafia riesca a reclutare gente nei ponti inferiori)

    C'è un rapporto particolare tra Tserri e il gruppetto presentato in questo capitolo e ci viene fatto capire in alcuni passaggi: il 4 principe è un violento/vendicativo, ma con il ragazzo che si prende molta confidenza non ha fatto nulla:

    Direttamente o indirettamente ha salvato la vita a questo gruppetto, salvandoli dalla cerimonia di Morena:

    Queste guardie conoscendo la vera natura del principe preferiscono rimanere alla larga da lui pur servendolo (ecco perchè si trovano sui ponti inferiori).

    Discutono su come Morena potrebbe conoscere le guardie del 4 principe visto che aveva una spia (un tatuatore che tatuava le reclute) e capiscono di essere in pericolo (loro conoscono l'identità di Morena), Volken si trovava inizialmente sul ponte 1 (ma questa parte Togashi l'ha pensata dopo, come ho fatto vedere in uno dei post precedenti nel flashback del cap 362 Volken non si vede ma in questo capitolo si)

    e ha un rapporto di amicizia con Theta la quale di Nen non gli ha detto niente ma nota qualcosa di strano (Volken non è una utilizzatrice di Nen e non può vedere la bestia di Nen del principe come Theta e Sarkov) e presume che Morena è quasi sicuramente una utilizzatrice di Nen.

    La ragazza con i riccioli pensa che se il principe sta imparando il Nen anche loro potrebbero impararlo (qua aspetterò Mangaplus se è più chiaro)

    e Volken gli risponde che se si trovasse ancora sul primo ponte avrebbe potuto scoprirlo (e qui penso che sti ragazzi potrebbero avere a che fare con Kurapika prima o poi) ma che ora la loro priorità è sopravvivere.

    Cercheranno di collaborare con i membri Cha-R e Xi-Yu (ho spiegato su i motivi per cui non possono rivolgersi alla HA).

    Viene presa in esame l'ipotesi che uno di loro possa essere catturato da Morena (piano che Morena sta mettendo in pratica) e decidono di escogitare un piano.

    EDIT: ho corretto le immagini ;)

    Edited by ExisPhantaminum - 13/11/2022, 13:15
  15. .
    Il capitolo in inglese è uscito su TCB Scans, agevolo chi non mastica l'inglese con la traduzione del testo (grazie a VeraciusCake che pur in ritardo ci ha tenuto a contribuire con la sua traduzione inserendo alcune note):

    HxH 394 traduzione completa

    394 Supposition


    Flavor text: A trap sprung -- a battle erupts across the door!!

    Old Man

    "I don't mind approaching you at all... But before that I need to pee... You see... Incontinence becomes a problem when you get old..."


    "Wet your pants if you must. Come over here. This is not an empty threat."

    Old Man

    "I can't... Even 'umble little me has some pride left..."

    Hinrigh flings his dagger, which lands on the old man's right thigh.

    Old Man



    Old Man

    "Ithurtsithurtsithurts sooo maauuch!! Y-you savage!! How dare you treat a frail innocent old man like thaaaauuuch!!"



    Old Man



    "Don't see no blood on you, gramps... Where's your 'real body'? I'd like to teach it how a real person reacts when they get stabbed."

    Old Man

    "... I used to be... a con artistnote1 you see... Decent people would assume I was severely wounded whenever I dialed the theatrics up to eleven... You're a tough crowddd~"


    "Like I care. Where's the Corporal and your real body?"

    (Old man lets out a chuckle as its fake body disappears, leaving Hinrigh's dagger on the floor.)


    Xi-Yu Grunts

    "A man just... vanished into thin air...!?"

    "So he has superpowers like aniki...!!"


    "Hinrigh. Would you mind leaving the Heil-Ly to the Phantom Troupe? After all, you've found Hisoka... The problems would solve themselves if we played our cards right. First, let's have the Troupe rampage through the Heil-Ly hideout."




    "I'll go fetch the dagger."


    "! Hey! Don't go in!"

    Xi-Yu Grunts


    "He said wait!"

    (But Tassi is already inside. He vanishes.)

    Xi-Yu Grunts

    "!? Wha!!"

    "Tassi disappeared too!!!"


    "Tch, thought so. This must be the work of the thug who was kidnapping the mafiosi since a while ago. It's a trap that forcefully teleports anyone who enters the room 'somewhere else'."


    "No doubt about the trap. But this is someone else's power. I heard the mafiosi killer has been executed by Nobunaga of the Troupe."


    "!! Really!?"


    "The Troupe did stay for a short while with our members at the office. They seem to have left due to a disagreement, but the culprit's decapitated head and upper torso is still there. The thing about destroying the Heil-Ly was also the Troupe's own idea."


    "I see."


    "I bet they will do something about this trap too."


    "(... Guess I should go follow my own leads...)"


    (Tassi is transported to a room with bathroom tiles.)


    "...Huh? I just... entered the room, so why is... the door in front of me...?"

    (Before he can realize what's going on, Tassi is stabbed in the neck by Bille. Bille grew to level 21!)


    "Fuck yeah, now I'm level 21 too!"

    Congratulatory noises from Heil-Ly members


    "I'll take the corpse..."

    (Matvere approaches Bille with a Water Divination glass.)


    "Here. Turns out I'm a Transmuter."


    "Thx. Please be Emission... please be Emission..."



    "(So jealous) Looks like Conjuration is common among the left-handed."


    Below are the characters introduced in this page:

    Torrebellum (Emitter). Smuggler & assassin. Level 21.

    Montblanc Toto (Conjurer). Body disposal/feed production. Level 3.

    Chiffon Toto (Conjurer). Sewing/decoration. Level 6.


    "Hey Mont! Here's the last carcass. I heard that Voconte has connected this place with the Slaughterhousenote2 directly."


    "Aye. Chiffy, come help over here."




    "Everyone over here is gonna reach level 21 in a bit. Soon it's your turn to all level up."


    "Got it."

    (Scene changes to the Heil-Ly HQ; someone from Heil-Ly is reporting to Morena.)

    Heil-Ly Person

    "We can't reach the butler, our contact with the Fourth Prince in the VVIP area."


    "Right. I guess Tserriednich must have caught on."



    "I'd thought that we'd have a little more time until our HQ is discovered, but sounds like that's not the case according to Gataum's report. ...That's why I want to get one of Tserriednich's soldiers here. I need someone to support Dawgman and capture Tserriednich's private soldier."

    Below are the subordinates Morena is talking to in this page:

    Matvere (Transmuter). Level 21. Recruiter/temp agency.

    Sodom (Manipulator). Level 31. Back-alley doctor & assassin.

    Oralji (Enhancer). Level 21. Waste disposal.

    Yokotani (Conjurer). Level 27. 'Criminal' lawyer. (I am guessing this means someone like Saul Goodman.)


    "Hmmm, if possible I'd like to do the 'lifeline'note3 work instead. (Kinda a drag to change anyway)."


    "Then let me do it."


    "Knowing Tserriednich, he'll want to deal with a traitor like me himself. But... it's impossible to predict how and when he'll make a move, with the Succession War going on and all. I need to get someone close to the Prince infected with Contagion: Etude of Love so I can keep track of his movements."

    "If you find a soldier from the list please bring them here. Doesn't look like we can use Room 3101 anymore, so do that from Door C instead."




    "Oralji and Yokotani, please continue surveillance on the door(s). Although I suspect only the military and yakuza will come knocking anytime soon... If you managed to hook one of Tserriednich's private soldiers, please invite them here."

    Oralji & Yokotani

    "Yes ma'am."


    "Would be troublesome if the First Prince's soldiers came. Do we have legal justification to chase them off?"




    Below are the subordinates introduced in this page:

    Notre (Conjurer). Level 24. Plumber.

    Souffle (Transmuter). Level 28. Hacker.

    Dawgman (Enhancer). Level 36. Pro wrestler.


    "Notre, Souffle, please return to Room 3131, and confirm the situation in Room 3101 for me."

    Notre & Souffle

    "Copy that."

    (Notre and Souffle are talking to each other as they leave.)


    "Hmmm, okay remind me. How do we get back into Room 3131 again?"


    "We returned to the HQ from the door in 3131 through the Cleaner's Roomnote4, remember? So just do the reverse. Go through the Cleaner's Room into the Shower Roomnote5 and exit from the door that leads to the living room."


    "Wait, can you repeat that?"


    "What's so hard to understand? You're not gonna survive an emergency like that."


    "Ugh, what a drag. I'll just follow you."


    "What would you ever do without me."


    "Hey Dawg. You play the most important role of us all. Please find what we are looking for without fail."


    "Yeah. I'll need a few more levels."


    "You're right. You can prioritize getting to level 50 or above at the new Slaughterhouse."


    (Hinrigh checks the footage from Catcorder-chan.)


    The soldiers introduced in the next pages are Tserriednich's private soldiers (i.e. Morena's targets). The remaining pages will revolve around these characters, so it's best to introduce their names and ranks here.

    Gipper. Corporal.

    Otsin. Private.

    Mormorrie. Private (probably).

    Spiky-haired guy (unnamed yet). Private (probably). Calling him Spike.

    Curly-haired girl (unnamed yet). Private (probably). Calling her Curls.

    Slick black-haired guy (unnamed yet). Private (probably). Calling him Slick.


    (Soldiers break a door and barge into a room.)

    Otsin & Slick

    "All clear!"


    "So they've fled the place..."


    "Captain!! There are bodies over here!!"


    "Looks like Cha-R family members. With this, we have justification for the raid (read: breaking the door). Contact the Central Police and ask them for an inspection. Tell them, we stumbled upon a dispute and attempted to stop it, but then a Heil-Ly member shot at us and ran away. Hence the raid."


    "The Heil-Ly family didn't submit their members list to the Public Security, so technically on paper they are civilians, right?"


    "This room is officially registered as the mafia's office, though, so until the culprit is identified the police will have no choice but to treat this case as mafioso crime."

    "Our problem is, we don't know if the police will treat casualties on those self-proclaimed civilians' side as 'an incident of dispute [between mafia families]'. Suppose a certain aspiring commissioner is oblivious enough to file it as 'murder of civilians by the mafia'. Things would get out of hand.'



    "So before it comes to that, we should capture Morena Prudo, the head of the Heil-Ly family. Ideally, we should present her to Tserriednich-dono before he troubles himself with it."

    "We'll gain the cooperation of Xi-Yu and Cha-R and sweep Tier 3. Still, we don't want to provoke a response from the Royal Army and the Police, so you are permitted to carry only handguns during the search."






    "Shouldn't we preemptively establish response protocols against the possible existence of one or more Nen users in the Heil-Ly family?"


    "Nehn...? What is that?"


    "Word is quickly spreading around Tier 1 about this special power called Nen. It is a significant threat. That power may be the reason why Prince Tserried hasn't responded immediately to the current emergency. That is why I believe it is imperative that we devise measures for situations where fighting with conventional weapons is absolutely ineffective!"


    "Private Otsin. Who was the one who 'reported' this to you?"


    "Vorksen, sir. A Provisional Hunter in charge of guarding the Princes' Living Quarters."


    "Ah, Private First Class Vorksen... I will strongly recommend her to be transferred to Tier 3 as a consultant. Also, Private Otsin..."



    "Don't you fucking dare shorten Prince Tserriednich-dono's name ever again! I'll gouge your dopey eyes out, you little piece of shit...!! I'll make you stand on the front line under my command for the rest of your life!!! I'll make sure you're the first to eat whatever that Nehn attack thing is!! Do you understand, you shitty piece of filthy shit!?"


    "Sir!! Yes, Sir!!"


    (grumbling) "Little shit"


    "You imbecile. What were you thinking dragging Vork into this?"


    "I mean we absolutely need the intel. Isn't it obvious why the head of Heil-Ly, that Morena, would choose to revolt at this timing? You think she'd pick a fight with Tserrie without a plan to win?"


    "I wonder. Speaking of picking a fight without a plan, a certain idiot next to me just did that against the Corporal."


    "The fight I picked was calculated!! I got Vork summoned here didn't I!?"


    "'Sin!!! You just want to eat my bullets don't you!!! Shut that filthy shit-trap of yours you shitty shit!"


    "Aye aye, shit-aye, Sir!!"


    "Don't add shit there, you little shit!"


    "Ah, the infamous shit-yelling contest of the 4th Class of the Royal Military Academy. Guess it won't be long before we see the last of it."


    "Hey, don't jinx our fate like that!"


    "It's true though. I'd say that's a pretty educated guess."



    "The body just now has been dead for a few days. It's obvious he was killed at least before the second all-out sweep. In other words, the body was not discovered during the sweep. Or to be precise, 'they acted so as not to discover the body'."


    "Well, both the military and the police condone disputes between the mafia to a certain extent, so they would be considerate about things... as long as civilians aren't involved, that is. Though in the first place, I doubt the military would have thought that the Heil-Ly (read: mafia) was involved [in the killings] at the time of the sweep. It's very likely that their inspection of the Heil-Ly family's office was nothing more than a verbal check."


    "And the police knows that too, so their coroner would likely 'read between the lines' and corroborate the time of death. But what about the Hunter Association?"

    "The situation would change if the Hunters are present during the time of autopsy. No matter how they spin it, any tampering would become immediately obvious. Then suppose the HA becomes distrustful of Kakin investigations and starts their own...?"


    "The HA's main missions cover only each Prince's security detail and support for the main bodynote5 in Tier 3, right? Isn't it a stretch to assume they will deeply involve themselves in a criminal investigation triggered by a mafia dispute?"


    "The security part of the mission is the problem here. The fact that the mission comes with this bombshell of an event called the 'Seed Urn Ceremony' is something that even we private soldiers only found out after boarding. I expect it's the same for the Hunters. If the HA found out about the bad blood between the Royal Family and the mafia... the 'Second-Track Fakers'...! I wouldn't be surprised if they equate their mission of protecting the Princes with eradicating the mafia."


    "... That sounds ugly."


    "I see! That would also suit the agenda of the judicial branch who is solidifying their position as an independent body."


    "You got it... And the eradication of the mafia is also in the interests of the First Prince... Now suppose the military, the judiciary, and the HA each make their own moves, and word spreads that the mafia 'may' be targeted for eradication... In an instant, an all-out war between the nation and the mafia becomes a very real possibility."

    "It is very obvious that the Heil-Ly family aims to destroy the 'balance', based on the fact that they assassinated their senior mafiosi and boarded the ship as 'civilians' without registering their new members as the mafia. As the Corporal said, if the 'young commissioner in the Central Police' (read: the top brass) errs in their judgment... A statementnote6 from the upper echelons of the Police might as well be the final trumpet [that commences the war]..."



    "And a war may sound grand and all, but what will erupt is most likely a one-sided mutiny."


    "Imagine if the entire mafia teamed up and even managed to win over the lower class from Tiers 4 and 5 in a coalition. We will be vastly outnumbered. GG."


    "Corporal Gipper, I have a question!! Why aren't you reprimanding that talkative bunch behind me? They've made ten times the noise I did!!"


    "Because they are competent and you're a moron. Everything they say echoes my own opinion... We need to capture Morena Prudo ASAP."


    (sticking his tongue out) "Duly noted, Corporal-dono!!"


    "Corporal... Otsin does have a point, though."




    "Mormorrie... can I kiss you for that?"


    "Go to hell. Right now, it is a fact that Morena has rebelled and Prince Tserriednich has not responded immediately. Knowing the Prince's temperament, the only event that could possibly cause the Prince to deprioritize retribution against a traitor... is if 'he has found a new weapon (read: toy)'."


    "...I guess you're referring to the story about the Prince's firearm disassembly/reassembly exercise in the 7th grade...? I've only heard the rumors, but wasn't it an anecdote about the Prince practicing so hard after class that he forgot to eat or sleep, only to finally break the speed record in the military school exam?"


    "Well according to the guy, he was 'playing', not practicing."


    "Don't call him 'the guy', you!!"


    "There was a stupid classmate who got into an argument with the Prince during that exercise ... The Prince shot him in the leg after his awards ceremony... That's off the record, though."


    "Ah, the 'Talk back to me after you beat my record' classmate incident."


    "The Prince retorted not with words, but with a bullet."


    "'If you're gonna act all high and mighty just because you're a Prince, at least accomplish something first' sounds like a pretty justified quip, though? Would you shoot someone for that? The guy is just too petty."


    "Justified quips are a taboo for the Prince. Only you have managed to not get shot for casually talking back to the Prince."



    "So what y'all are trying to say is... that the reason the Prince hasn't moved to punish the Heil-Ly immediately is because... the Prince is currently practicing to learn that Nen thing?


    "Yes...! Or at least we have presented a rationale that supports that supposition. I believe we should first await Vorksen's arrival, and narrow down possibilities only after confirming the facts. Still, even then we should discard the overly optimistic assumption that 'Morena Prudo does not have Nen'."


    "Also, we should attempt to periodically request for a rotation in deployed personnel. Not so often as to arouse suspicion though."


    "You're right, in case of the worst case scenario."


    "? And why is that?"


    "Because the plan to eradicate the mafia will definitely be treated as classified information. The private soldiers will be privy to neither the time nor the details. If they ever execute that plan, they will make up a reason to block the connecting stairway between Tiers 2 and 3, and allow passage only to the official National Army..."


    "In other words, we will know if and when 'that plan has been executed' based on the timing our personnel rotation request is rejected or put on hold. It is, realistically, the fastest way to find out from our position."


    "... It irks me to say this, but... you guys are really brilliant, after all. If y'all were serious about it, you could have made the Prince's aide or the official Royal Army by now. So why wouldn't you?"

    All Five Privates

    "Because it's too much trouble...?"


    "Hmph... So you're just gonna watch the clouds?note7 What a carefree bunch. So I'm the only one who'll apply for a rotation, then!"



    "(Watching the clouds, huh... If we're really the Prince's friends, shouldn't we be by his side... nagging at him...?)"


    "(Can't help it. He was born into that status and that personality. We really can't do anything about it...)"


    "(In the end, it's all up to him. Tserrie himself has decided that leaving things as it is right now is for the best.)"


    "(...Besides, we aren't just the average friends... If our status or circumstances change, [so too will our friendship]...note8 That's why, status quo is the best...)"


    "(What kind of world is this... that the closer we get in status (read: distance), the further we get from being 'friends'. If that's the case I'd rather stay low on the totem pole, and shout up at him with my loudest voice!!)

    "(Tserrie... Are you really okay with this...!?)"


    (Vorksen has joined the Five Privates. Gipper has moved up.)


    "Right now, Tserriednich-sama is learning Nen under the tutelage of his bodyguard, Theta."

    One of the Five

    "As I thought."


    "By the way that is top secret. If you leak it to anyone you'll instantly get demoted..."


    "So what kind of power is it? That Nen thing?"


    "Who knows? As I said, it is top secret. I was JUST about to seriously look into it, too. Such a shame, isn't it?"


    "Ah, Vork. Are you, perhaps... really pissed off?"


    "You're damn right I am."

    "So no good deed goes unpunished! I did you the favor of warning you about it and you snitched on me to Corporal Gipper? How dare you!"


    "I didn't mean to tell on you! We just needed detailed information, and besides, we even got to float the idea to use the personnel rotation to avoid risk!"


    "How naive. You think Gipper would agree to a switch now that he's moved up? Right now I bet he's making a proposal to prevent intel leak by restricting communications with soldiers in the lower tiers. Using me as pretext, of course!!"


    "You're probably right, but I'm still banking on the 5% chance that Gipper could see the bigger picture and let his conscience maintain contact with us."



    "Oh well... doesn't matter anymore now that I'm no longer in the upper tier. Gipper won't be able to get anything out of Theta anyway."


    "I know you're really good friends with Theta, but I doubt that would've been enough to make her tell you classified information."


    "She might not tell me about Nen, but... there was something else that bothered me more."

    (The Five Privates are listening intently.)


    "During the emergency broadcast that led the Prince to find out about Nen... I could tell that Theta acted strange right after. Salkov too, who was next to her. Depending on how you ask, there are things that you can find out even if you don't get a response. I would have been able to probe for that, but... now that I'm here, I guess we'll just have to do what we can from down here."

    (Pregnant pause.)


    "Fufu, don't worry guys. I'm on the same page as you. Morena Prudo is most likely a Nen user...!"



    "And that is why, we will do all we can to avoid her so as to protect our own lives!!!"


    "Phew! Thank God she is still the same Vork we've always known."

    (A high five between Curls and Spike.)


    "... Hello? I'll have you know that I still haven't given up on my career aspirations! Also, we'll be avoiding her while simultaneously pretending to really look for her. Do you really understand how hard that is?"


    "Wouldn't that be easy? We know Morena's face, but she doesn't know ours."


    "No, she probably does. The artist who inked the tattoo on us private soldiers was originally a member of the Heil-Ly family. Thanks to the Prince pulling us out, we managed to avoid the massacre during Morena's inauguration, but it seems that we were still listed in the gang's customer database. It's best to assume that Morena has information on the private soldiers."


    "In the first place, is Nen really that dangerous?"


    "I don't have the details about Nen, but I can tell from Theta and Sarkov's reactions that it is 'a power that can rival even top secret weaponry'."



    "Didn't I tell you!! It's more dangerous than guns!!"


    "Yeah, but you weren't convincing."


    "Vorksen's words bear weight. Yours are like cotton to her osmium."


    "If the Prince is only about to learn Nen now, does it mean... that we can potentially use that power as well?"


    "That too, I could have found out if I'd stayed up there on Tier 1. But right now, our priority is survival. We are at severe disadvantage here since we don't know anything about Heil-Ly members. We should contact Xi-Yu or Cha-R and establish a cooperative working relationship ASAP!"

    The Five Privates



    "Vork. Just in case one of us gets caught by Morena... Do we deal with it individually?


    "...Indeed. Let's suppose that happens..."

    Flavor text: The path to survival is paved with brainstorming.

    End of chapter. Find my translation notes in the comments.

    Translation notes:

    The word here is 当たり屋 (atariya), which is a specific kind of con artist that bumps into you and pretends to have suffered a major injury from that. Think soccer players who act like they've been crippled forever from being tackled, just to give the opposing team a penalty.

    The word here is 処理場 (shori-jou). 場 simply means place, but 処理 is one of those very convenient Japanese words that can mean almost anything. Usually, it means "processing", but it can also mean "disposal", "handling", "treatment", you get the idea. Since the purpose of this processing place is to "process" the captured prey like turning cattle into canned beef, I've decided to go with "slaughterhouse".

    The word here is 器官 (kikan), which means organ in the biological sense. The way Togashi put brackets around the word, I'm pretty sure it's not literally organ-related work, but rather something "vital" to their operations. I've decided to go with "lifeline".

    Maybe it's a happy coincidence, because we refer to people who dispose of bodies as "cleaners" in English. But the kanji they use here is 死体処理室 (body disposal room), with the given reading being センタクルーム (cleaning room). I love myself some accidental double entendre.

    The kanji they use is 処理室 (室 means room; see Note 2 on what I think the 処理 here refers to). The given reading is シャワールーム (shower room). I believe this is the same place as the 処理場 in Note 2. I've also noted that their Slaughterhouse has bathroom tiles.

    In a very rare case, I believe that the Japanese script made a mistake here (not the first time it's happened). They used 声名 (seimei, reputation/prestige) here, but I believe what they wanted to say is 声明 (seimei, statement/declaration). You can try substituting "statement" with "prestige" in that sentence and see if it makes sense to you. Personally, it doesn't for me. Goddamn homonyms.

    日和見 is quite a tricky word to translate. Literally, it means weather watching. Usually, it refers to someone who doesn't commit to an action, but watches the situation first to later decide which course of action is most beneficial. A single-word English translation would be "opportunist", but that word is loaded. It implies ambition, which the Five Privates have made amply clear that they do not have. So I've decided to leave it as "cloud watchers" and let you infer what it means. Plus, a certain character from another franchise would complain about things being "too much trouble" and would rather watch the clouds instead. Damn, I think I'm nailing this translation thing.

    This part was never said, so I had to complete the sentence in the brackets. But I think what Slick was trying to say is that since the Private Five are not the average civilians, their rank or circumstances might dictate what duties they have, which may include working against the interests of their friend Tserrie. This is corroborated by Otsin's own monologue in the next panel. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I'm probably not.

    All in all, very hard chapter to translate. I can see TCB taking some liberties with the translation of the Five Privates' monologues, but I don't think they are wishing for Tserriednich to change. Rather, they are concerned about Tserriednich as he is.

    Ho già commentato precedentemente e avevo azzeccato che il vecchio non centrasse nulla con la sparizione di chi entrava in quella stanza, ma che era l'abilità di Voconte, anzi il vecchio non c'era in quella stanza (non c'era sangue su di lui indizio ben in vista senza bisogno di leggere il dialogo, sappiamo come funziona un doppelganger).

    Per quanto riguarda le guardie, bisogna tornare indietro al capitolo 362, dal capitolo spoiler non si vedeva benissimo il flashback, io ci sono andato a intuito che quelle guardie fossero guardie del 4 principe (ipotizzavo sapessero troppe cose personali)

    Con l'uscita delle scan il tutto risulta più chiaro

    Ma nel capitolo 362 non si vede questo... che traeva in inganno

3466 replies since 25/1/2013