One Piece OLD Spoiler ワンピース

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  1. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    From 2 ch Ohana

    30 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/10/13(水) 16:20:34 ID:v869cvZaP
    600 再出発の島

    表紙 ゾロが片手に1t 右手にワニ持って 素振りの練習 ワニ泣いてる

    そこのウソップがチョッパーを見つける ナミもチョッパーに抱きつき喜ぶ
    ナミ 船長のルフィの名が売れたから仕方ないわ

    偽サンジ 偽ゾロ走ってチョッパーを探すが、走りすぎて歩きに
    ルフィ やっぱろハンコックの言うとおりヒゲはつけとくべきだな 騒ぎを起こすなと言われたし
    偽サンジ 偽ルフィが探してるマント小僧(ルフィ)じゃ…

    ゾロ おれは海岸へ行きたい 釣りをしてエんだ
    サンジ 駄目だ!!クソ野郎!!
    サンジ 直全員集まるから黙って おれと船に来い!!
    ゾロ 全く7番が1番に偉そうに言いやがって
    サンジ 何来た順番でランキングしてやがんだ 奇跡的に1番だったからって調子こいてんじゃねエぞ!!!

    46G 麦わらの一味集合地
    偽ルフィ ここに集めたのは他でもねえ このおれをどこぞの馬の骨が侮辱した!!犯人達はこの諸島のどこかにいる!!おれの眼の前に引きずってこい!!
    そこに、偽ゾロ 偽サンジ ルフィが到着。
    ルフィ 2年たったあ ずいぶんかわるもんだな~お前ら無口になったんじゃねえか?そんなに仲良かったけなー
    偽サンジ ルフィが本物の麦わら一味なんじゃないかと焦りだす。
    偽サンジ 船長 あの本物のペットは見つからなかったんですが アンタの探してた男はコイツ(ルフィ)では?

    アンコールがなるブルックライブ そこに海軍が来る
    ルンバー海賊団 加えて現在は麦わらのルフィの仲間であるという情報も入っている!!逮捕する!
    そこにブルックのマネージャーが来る。 通報したのはブルックのマネージャー
    ブルック 海賊麦わらのルフィは生きている!!いずれ世界の海の王になる男!!最後のソウルを聞いてくれ!!

    17G サニー号停泊
    フランキーの体が凄いと喜ぶチョッパー ウソップ
    シャッキー 軍の通信を盗聴したから間違いないわ 偽物のモンキーちゃん一味を本物だと思って大きく動きだしてる ブルックちゃんにも電電虫で状況は伝えてああるわ
    レイリー ナミちゃん コーティング千の操作を覚えろ
    ウソップ なんだか急に緊迫してきたな ルフィがまだ…
    レイリー ルフィなら上陸している
    フランキー サンジには子電電虫を渡してある 今ゾロと一緒だ
    シャッキー 海軍はすぐそこよ 連絡が付かないのはモンキーちゃんだけね ビブルカードを渡しておくわ。彼はこれを頼りに来るでしょ?
    レイリー 海岸に面した42Gがいい そこに船を回し 全員を集めろ 少々慌ただしいが それぞれの2ねんかんを乗り越えて いよいよ再出発の刻だ!!!


    From Aohige

    ohana post

    Chapter 600: Island of Fresh Start

    Cover: Zoro is holding a 1t weight on one arm, and the other is holding an aligator (or crocodile, same word in Japanese)
    He's practicing his swings. The poor gator is crying.

    More to come...

    ohana post first half

    Chapter 600: Island of Fresh Start

    Cover: Zoro is holding a 1t weight on one arm, and the other is holding an aligator (or crocodile, same word in Japanese)
    He's practicing his swings.  The poor gator is crying.

    Chopper is running around looking for Robin
    Usopp finds him and Nami hugs Chopper in joy.
    Chopper tells her he's glad to see them, but Robin is in trouble.
    The three get on a Sabaody bike, and Nami tells Chopper that Robin is fake.
    Nami says becuse our captain's become famous, this kind of stuff can't be helped, it happens.

    Fake Sanji and Fake Zoro are running around looking for Chopper, but they got tired and started walking.
    Luffy approaches them.
    Luffy says he should put on the fake stache afterall like Hancock said, since he's supposed to stay put.
    Fake Sanji realizes this man is the "kid wearing cloak" his boss (Fake Luffy) said to look for.

    Zoro says he wants to go to the coast to fish.
    Sanji tells him hell no, shit-head.
    The usual argument starts
    Sanji tells him everyone's getting together, so just shut up and come with me to the ship!
    Zoro tells him he was the 7th person to get there, how dare he orders around the first.
    Sanji argues back why in the hell are you ranking people in the order they came!? Just because you were miraculously the first, don't get cocky!

    second half of ohana

    Fake Luffy's crew are gathering here. Lots of new pirate faces.
    Fake Luffy: The reason why I gathered you all here is because some shmuck insulted me!! The perpetrators are somewhere on this archpelago!! Bring them in front of me!!
    Fake Zoro, Fake Sanji, and Luffy arrives at the scene.
    Luffy: You guys changed so much in 2 years! You became quiet too! I don't remember you two being buddies like that
    Fake Sanji starts wondering if this man is a real Strawhat
    Fake Sanji tells the Captain they couldn't find the real pet, but isn't this the man you were looking for?

    Brook's live concert is in an encore. Marines arrive at the scene.
    Marines: We know you're a Rumber Pirate, and we also have information that you are a crew of the Strawhat Luffy! You're under arrest!
    The fans start crying
    Brook's manager arrives. He's the one that told the marines.
    Brook: Pirate Strawhat Luffy is alive!! He will one day become the King of the entire sea!! Guys, listen to my final Soul!!
    The marines attempt to stop the live, but the fans stop the marines to listen to the song!

    17G The Sunny
    Chopper and Usopp are amazed at Franky's body.
    Everyone's enjoying the reunion.
    Shakky and Rayleigh arrives.
    Shakky: I've wiretapped the Marines' communication, so I'm sure of it... They think the fake Monkey-chan gang to be the real one, and making a big move on it. I've told Brook-chan about it with a den-den mushi.
    Rayleigh: Nami-chan, you have to memorize how to operate a coated ship
    Usopp: Things getting tense all of a sudden... and Luffy's not here yet...
    Rayleigh: Luffy's already on the island.
    Franky: I've already handed Sanji a den-den mushi, he's with Zoro
    Shakky: The Marines are already close by. So Monkey-chan is the only one we can't get hold of? I'll give you the vivre card. He's coming towards that, right?
    Rayleigh: 42G is good, it's facing the ocean. Move the ship there, and gather everyone on it. We're in a bit of hurry... but you've all gotten through this 2 years. This is the time for a fresh start!!

    The new Journey begins!

  2. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    new pics ?

    SPOILER (click to view)
  3. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    i'm sorry that pics was an old one
    just an update post from ohana.

    282 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/10/13(水) 17:41:08 ID:v869cvZaP

  4. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    It just says when Nami hugged Chopper, she mentions how he's fluffier than before.

  5. •Saske•77™

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    image image image image image image image
  6. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    From AP forum
    Credits Aohige

    pic 1
    Chapter 600 Island of Fresh Start

    Anime theme song "One Day" by Rootless, on sale 10/20
    Limited edition with Ace & Luffy 3D Jacket card
    etc, etc

    pic 2
    Zoro: I want to go to a beach. I want to fish...
    Sanji: HELL NO, Shit-head!!
    Zoro: Why! How come I have to listen to YOU!
    Sanji: You think I WANT to walk with you? If you wander around on this island, it's very cumbersome to find you, lost Marimo!!
    Everyone's gonna gather up soon, so just shut up and follow me to the ship!!
    Zoro: ..... damn "seventh" talking down the "first".
    Sanji: Why the hell are you ranking in the order we got here!? Don't get cocky just because you "miraculously" got there first!!
    Zoro: Yeah, sorry. "Seventh".
    Sanji: Alright, fine! I'll pummel you with this leg I trained in HELL!
    Zoro: Yeah right, just try! I'll slice in you half!!

    pic 3
    Fake Luffy: You are all now my underlings!! Crew member of the Strawhat gang!!
    You will be my hands and my feet!! Fight with your lives!!
    Pirates: UOOOO!!!! We can do that, big boss!! We won't forgive that fool!!
    Fake Zoro: There's quite a few already...
    Luffy: Over there, huh? I can't wait to see everyone!
    But in this two years, you guys changed a lot. You've gotten so quiet!
    Fake Sanji: (It seems like this moustache dude knows the real Strawhats... who is he?)
    Fake Zoro: (I don't know, but keep your trap shut, or he'll be on to us!)
    Luffy: Were you two so friendly with each other? It's been two years afterall... and your face look so different too! Are you guys disguising too?
    Fake Zoro: We're almost there. It'll be all over once we hand him over to captain.
    Fake Sanji: Captain!
    Fake Luffy: I said call me big boss!
    Fake Sanji: We didn't find the real pet, but isn't this the man you were looking for?
    Luffy: Oh....

    pic 4
    17GR Where Sunny is docked
    Chopper: AWESOOOOMMEE!!!
    Usopp: ISN'T IT!? His body is amazing!!
    Chopper: You're a robot!! Do you shoot beams!? Do you shoot missles!? What do you combine with!?
    Usopp: Calm down Chopper, you'll die of excitement!!
    Franky: Yeah!! Carrying the dreams of men, he finally mobilizes!! His name is!! Armored Me!
    Usopp: But Franky, with a big hand like that, you can't do precise carpentry can you?
    Franky: What are you talking about?
    Usopp: Hands came out!!!???
    Nami: Robin!
    Robin: Nami! You've been doing ok, it seems!

    pic 5
    Nami: What kind of hilarity is that about? his body....
    Robin: Ufufu, I don't know. I don't understand it.
    Nami: Wow, so this is a coated ship....

    Franky: Push my nose. The nose.
    Usopp: Your nose?
    Franky: Hold it down for more than 3 sec....
    Chopper: He rephrased it! And said it like a robot!!

    Usopp: Whoa!! Hair came out!!
    Chopper: You can change the hair all you want!?
    Franky: Yep, any way I want.
    Nami: ..... what has he been doing for the past two years?
    Franky: Oh hey Nami, what's up.
    Nami: Yeah, yeah....

    Chopper: Weapons! Show us weapons!
    Franky: Don't be silly. That's a main event I'll keep under the curtains until Luffy gets here mecha.
    Chopper: Whoa!! You said mecha at the end of your sentence!!

    Rayleigh: How are you doing, fellows.
    Nami: Rayleigh! Shakky!
    Rayleigh: The situation on the island has become a bit unsettling.

  7. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    pic 6
    Nami: The marines ...?
    Shakky: Yes, they think the fake Monkey-chan gang are the real ones, and moving in on them.
    I'm sure of this information, I wiretapped the Marines' communication.
    I've already told Brook-chan the situation through den-den mushi. He should be headed this way.
    Franky: I see... he's going to throw away his celebrity status and come with us. He's got guts!

    *aohige notes: He actually says he has bones, which is Japanese version of "have guts". SKULL JOKE! YOHOHOHOHO!*

    Rayleigh: Nami, you're the navigator yes? I'll teach you how to operate a coated ship. Learn well.
    Nami: oh... yes! I'll do my best!
    Usopp: Oh, things are getting intense suddenly... but Rayleigh, Luffy isn't here yet...
    Rayleigh: It's alright, Luffy is already on this island.

    pic 7
    Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Franky: !!
    Robin: Can't wait.. (to see him)
    Rayleigh: I've handed the baby den-den mushi to Sanji, who came here already. He's with Zoro.
    Shakky: I see.. that's good. We have to hurry, the marines are nearby already.
    The only one we can't get hold of is Monkey-chan. But I'll hand you this vivre card. That's what he's going by, right?
    Rayleigh: 42GR facing the ocean is good... send the ship there, and gather everyone.
    It's a little hectic, but you have all each gotten through this two years... and now is the time for your fresh start again!!

  8. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    New Pics and translation Under spoiler tag

    SPOILER (click to view)

    Chapter 600: Island of fresh start

    Zoro: I want to go to a beach. I want to fish...
    Sanji: HELL NO, ****-head!!
    Zoro: Why! How come I have to listen to YOU!
    Sanji: You think I WANT to walk with you? If you wander around on this island, it's very cumbersome to find you, lost Marimo!!
    Everyone's gonna gather up soon, so just shut up and follow me to the ship!!
    Zoro: ..... damn "seventh" talking down the "first".
    Sanji: Why the hell are you ranking in the order we got here!? Don't get cocky just because you "miraculously" got there first!!
    Zoro: Yeah, sorry. "Seventh".
    Sanji: Alright, fine! I'll pummel you with this leg I trained in HELL!
    Zoro: Yeah right, just try! I'll slice in you half!!

    Fake Luffy: You are all now my underlings!! Crew member of the Strawhat gang!!
    You will be my hands and my feet!! Fight with your lives!!
    Pirates: UOOOO!!!! We can do that, big boss!! We won't forgive that fool!!
    Fake Zoro: There's quite a few already...
    Luffy: Over there, huh? I can't wait to see everyone!
    But in this two years, you guys changed a lot. You've gotten so quiet!
    Fake Sanji: (It seems like this moustache dude knows the real Strawhats... who is he?)
    Fake Zoro: (I don't know, but keep your trap shut, or he'll be on to us!)
    Luffy: Were you two so friendly with each other? It's been two years afterall... and your face look so different too! Are you guys disguising too?
    Fake Zoro: We're almost there. It'll be all over once we hand him over to captain.
    Fake Sanji: Captain!
    Fake Luffy: I said call me big boss!
    Fake Sanji: We didn't find the real pet, but isn't this the man you were looking for?
    Luffy: Oh....

    Marine: Rumbar pirates acting captain, Humming Brook!!
    You're under suspect for being the same person as this 33 million bounty pirate!!
    We also have information that you are currently a crew of the pirate Strawhat Luffy!!
    Soul King Brook.... no, Brook the pirate! You're under arrest!!
    fan: .... it can't be...! Brook-sama!?
    fan: The Soul King is a criminal!?
    Manager: It's all over, Brook
    Brook: I knew it was you, manager...
    Manager: When you told us about your retiring plan in the dressing room... it came to us as a shock.
    Just when your popularity was booming, and our business was just starting...!!!
    You betrayed us!! Our company is finished!!

    Marine: Reporting from 46GR!! Countless pirates joining the Strawhat crew are gathering up here!
    The captains I can identify are....
    bounty 92 million "Deep wound" Albion
    bounty 88 million Lip "Service" Doughty
    Super Rookie (supernova) "Wethaired" Cariboo and "Bloodied" Coriboo brothers!!

    dieses Bild vergrößernDieses Bild verkleinern Anklicken, um die volle Größe zu sehen

    Marine: Put the instrument down, and show both your hands!
    (top portion of the pic cut off, unreadable)
    Brook: It's ok... my music has gained "power"!
    Manager: Have you gone nuts!? You're over, Brook!!
    Brook: Hey Manager... thank you for looking after me these years. And thank you for bringing me to this island.
    This place is a bitter memory for us, the place of our defeat. An island of regret.
    But it's also the island for our fresh start!! In the crew, my job is to liven up the adventure as a musician...!
    Brook: "Strawhat Luffy is dead" theory...? ...rediculous. Tell the world this!
    priate "Strawhat" Luffy is alive!!


    Reporter: HQ! Please respond!!
    Brook: He will one day become the king of all the seas!!
    Silence does not suit our sail off1! OH BABY!!
    Reporter: It's a scoop! A HUGE news!!
    Brook: (I send this off to my beloved crew...)
    This is my last Soul! Listen, YEAH!
    (Luffy-san, let's go to the New World!)
    Marine: Idiot, I said the live is cancel....
    fan: SHUT UP MARINE!
    fan: Please let us listen just one more song! Let him sing!!
    fan: Yeah!! I don't care what the Soul King is!!
    Brook: See...? The music is on our side...
    1, 2, 3, 4, "NEW WORLD!"

    Chopper: Usopp!
    Usopp: Man, you've grown large! I bet you ride much better too!! How you've been doing?
    Nami: It's true! He's much fluffier than before! *hug* It's been a while, Chopper!
    Chopper: Huh!? Nami? (thinks of the fake Nami)
    Oh yeah!! I'm glad to see you guys again, but this isn't the time for celebration!

    dieses Bild vergrößernDieses Bild verkleinern Anklicken, um die volle Größe zu sehen

    17GR Where Sunny is docked
    Chopper: AWESOOOOMMEE!!!
    Usopp: ISN'T IT!? His body is amazing!!
    Chopper: You're a robot!! Do you shoot beams!? Do you shoot missles!? What do you combine with!?
    Usopp: Calm down Chopper, you'll die of excitement!!
    Franky: Yeah!! Carrying the dreams of men, he finally mobilizes!! His name is!! Armored Me!
    Usopp: But Franky, with a big hand like that, you can't do precise carpentry can you?
    Franky: What are you talking about?
    Usopp: Hands came out!!!???
    Nami: Robin!
    Robin: Nami! You've been doing ok, it seems!


    Nami: What kind of hilarity is that about? his body....
    Robin: Ufufu, I don't know. I don't understand it.
    Nami: Wow, so this is a coated ship....
    Franky: Push my nose. The nose.
    Usopp: Your nose?
    Franky: Hold it down for more than 3 sec....
    Chopper: He rephrased it! And said it like a robot!!
    Usopp: Whoa!! Hair came out!!
    Chopper: You can change the hair all you want!?
    Franky: Yep, any way I want.
    Nami: ..... what has he been doing for the past two years?
    Franky: Oh hey Nami, what's up.
    Nami: Yeah, yeah....
    Chopper: Weapons! Show us weapons!
    Franky: Don't be silly. That's a main event I'll keep under the curtains until Luffy gets here mecha.
    Chopper: Whoa!! You said mecha at the end of your sentence!!
    Rayleigh: How are you doing, fellows.
    Nami: Rayleigh! Shakky!
    Rayleigh: The situation on the island has become a bit unsettling.

    dieses Bild vergrößernDieses Bild verkleinern Anklicken, um die volle Größe zu sehen

    Nami: The marines ...?
    Shakky: Yes, they think the fake Monkey-chan gang are the real ones, and moving in on them.
    I'm sure of this information, I wiretapped the Marines' communication.
    I've already told Brook-chan the situation through den-den mushi. He should be headed this way.
    Franky: I see... he's going to throw away his celebrity status and come with us. He's got guts!
    Rayleigh: Nami, you're the navigator yes? I'll teach you how to operate a coated ship. Learn well.
    Nami: oh... yes! I'll do my best!
    Usopp: Oh, things are getting intense suddenly... but Rayleigh, Luffy isn't here yet...
    Rayleigh: It's alright, Luffy is already on this island.


    Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Franky: !!
    Robin: Can't wait.. (to see him)
    Rayleigh: I've handed the baby den-den mushi to Sanji, who came here already. He's with Zoro.
    Shakky: I see.. that's good. We have to hurry, the marines are nearby already.
    The only one we can't get hold of is Monkey-chan. But I'll hand you this vivre card. That's what he's going by, right?
    Rayleigh: 42GR facing the ocean is good... send the ship there, and gather everyone.
    It's a little hectic, but you have all each gotten through this two years... and now is the time for your fresh start again!!

    Edited by •Saske•77™ - 14/10/2010, 08:07
  9. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    One Piece 600 Ch Scan

    Full Chapter scan

    image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image

  10.     Like  

    500.000.000 di berry

    Old Staff
    Un luogo lontano


    Online Here

  11. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    i don't know if this are old or new pics
    I found it in the 2ch thread

    image image

  12. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    10/10/19(水) 08:13

    Sembra che si rivedano Sentomaru ed i Pacifista

    Source: 2 ch
    Verification : Pending

    T:2010/10/19(火) 15:25:34 ID:IOL2/NRaO










  13. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    Posted By Aohige

    510 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:00:21 発信元:
    601話 ROMANCE DAWN ~for the new world~




    516 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:11:49 発信元:






    535 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:35:51 発信元:


    539 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:38:43 発信元:

    542 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. [] :2010/10/20(水) 14:41:06 発信元:

    T's short blurb

    Chapter 601: Romance Dawn ~ for the New World
    Dawn of the Adventure into the New World

    Cover is Nami and a egret (the swindler bird in Alabasta) playing poker

    Fake Luffy got taken out by Sentoumaru.
    This week was a pretty exciting chapter

    The Fake Luffy's real identy is bounty 26 million "Three tongued" Demaro Black

    Luffy destroys the PX5 in one hit with a haki-imbued JET Pistol!
    Zoro and Sanji arrives, and also deals with the other Pacifista instantly

    I wasn't gonna write the spoiler, but I was just too happy to see it...

    This week ends where Luffy tells Rayleigh he's going to be the Pirate King, and there's tears in Rayleigh's eyes.

    There were other stuff about the fake Strawhats, but whatever lol

    Aohige note: Three-tongue is someone who keeps lying to three different factions to keep them happy.
    Comes from the way British handled foreign affairs in WWI. In short, it means someone dishonest.

    Doesn't mention where Cariboo/Coriboo bros went, but Doughty got taken out by PX and others fled
    Some were pissed that they were decieved
    I guess Sentoumaru wasn't a marine in the war 2 years ago. He became a marine in the last 2 years.

    Luffy was in a hurry so he didn't fight with Sentoumaru.

    Brook was picked up by the Flying Fish riders, and got out scott free in the midst of the chaos
    The wanted posters are recorded in PX's memory. They can identify the suspects right away.
  14. •Saske•77™

    User deleted

    263 : ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/10/20(水) 17:14:30 ID:32A8CULtP
    601 ROMANCE DAWN for the new world

    表紙は ナミとサギ鳥


    ゾロ 何だ?
    サンジ 聞いてなかったのか?えーとな 海軍 来る おれ達 船… 逃げるわかるか?
    ゾロ なんで片言だ幼児か!!文章で説明しやがれ!!!
    サンジ 脳が筋肉馬鹿にはこれくらいがいいかもと…
    ゾロ よし後でお前斬る それよりあっちの島騒がしくねえか?
    サンジ 本当だ… あっち うるさい

    46GR 偽麦わら一味集合地
    ルフィ ゾロ サンジ あいつ(偽ルフィ)お前らの知り合い?実わさっきよ
    そこに海軍。おとなし降伏しろ~ 出入り口は封鎖した~!!
    偽ルフィ カリブーとコブリーに命令!
    カリブー 偽ルフィの命令無視して戦闘意志のない弱った海兵打ち殺す
    PX 麦わらのルフィ確認。 狙いを定める
    偽ルフィ 本物か?今オレに狙いをつけた…
    パシフィスタ2 ドウテイを撃つ。騒ぎの中偽ルフィ逃げる
    戦闘丸 なんでおめーが麦わらと呼ばれてんだ
    偽ルフィ てめえおれがだれだか分かってるよな?道をあけろ!懸賞金4億 ドラゴンの息子でガープの孫
    戦闘丸 麦わらはおめえみてえなカスじゃねえよ と鎌で殴る
    戦闘丸 パシフィスタに偽ルフィの確認。 
    偽ルフィ=懸賞金2千600万B 海賊 三枚舌のデマロ・ブラック
    みんなに偽物とばれる 怒りだす他海賊 ルフィ事情を把握しはじめる

    271 : ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/10/20(水) 17:16:11 ID:32A8CULtP

    戦闘丸 本物もここにいるそいつを狙え! PX標的を見つける
    髭が取れたルフィ PXの攻撃をかわして
    ルフィ 何すんだ!リュックには大事な弁当が入ってるんだぞ!
    ルフィ 騒ぎを起こすと出航しずれえって言われたのに
    戦闘丸 出航する必要はない。2年前とちがって わいは正式に海兵になったんだ!お前をここで捕える!!
    PX手からビーム 交わすルフィ ルフィギア2 ジェットピストルでPX一体破壊。
    戦闘丸 覇気を纏った…!!
    逃げるルフィ。後ろから走ってサンジ ゾロ
    サンジ ルフィやっぱりか!!何でテメエは常にトラブルの渦中にいるんだよ!!
    再会喜ぼうとしたら PXビームしようと~
    サンジ ゾロ同時にPXに攻撃。ゾロは斬る。サンジは首を折る(蹴る)
    他海賊 偽物とぜんぜんちがう~と眼が飛び出してびっくり。
    ゾロ ルフィお前は9番目だぞ
    サンジ 黙れ てめえどんだけ自慢だ!!ルフィいそげ みんな船で待ってる
    ルフィ おう!!いや~うれしいな~2年ぶりだな~!!
    走り出す ルフィ サンジ ゾロ
    ルフィ レイリー!!
    レイリー フフフ様子を見に来たが 問題なさそうだな 更に力が洗練されている。 では 早く行きなさい仲間の元へ
    ルフィ うん!!レイリー2年間 本当色々ありがとう!!
    レイリー ふふ 改まる柄じゃない早く行け…
    ルフィ拳を上げて レイリー おれは やるぞ!!!
    レイリー ?
    ルフィ 海賊王に おれはなるっ!!
    眼に涙を浮かべる レイリー


    Translation by Aohige_Ap On AP forum

    First half of ohana script, here goes.

    601 Romance Dawn for the new world

    Cover is Nami and the swindler bird

    Amid the chaos, Brook gets on the back of a Flying Fish Rider and heads to 42GR

    Sanji confirms the location of the meeting point by Franky through the den-den mushi
    Zoro: What is it?
    Sanji: Haven't you been listening? Let's see... Marines, come. We run. To Ship. Get it?
    Zoro: Why are you talking to me like baby!! Explain in sentences!!
    Sanji: I figured this would be adequet for a man with muscles as his brain.
    Zoro: Alright then, I'll make sure and cut you later. Anyways, what's with the ruckus at that island over there?
    Sanji: Hmm, true. Noisy. Over there.

    46GR Fake Strawhats gathering area
    Pirates are riled up
    Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji (I assume fake, ohana's scribbles are almost gibberish here)
    Do you know him? Yeah, we found him over there....
    Marines arrive at the scene. Surrender!! The exits are all covered!!
    Fake Luffy orders Cariboo and Coriboo!
    Cariboo ignores Fake Luffy's orders, and starts slaughtering weakened marines that no longer have the will to fight back.
    Fakes vs Marines
    PXs appear
    PX: Strawhat Luffy identified. Targeting.
    Fake Luffy: Are they real? They are targeting me...
    Another Pacifista shoots Doughty. Luffy runs away amidst the chaos
    Sentoumaru appears
    Sentoumaru: Why are you being called Strawhat? (at Fake Luffy)
    Fake Luffy: You know who I am don't you? Out of my way! I'm am the 400 million bounty head, son of Dragon and grandson of Garp...
    Sentoumaru: The Strawhat isn't a piece of crap like you
    Sentoumaru hits him with the axe. He then has the Pacifista identify the fake Luffy
    Fake Luffy = 26 million bounty pirate "Three-tongued" DeMaro Black
    Everyone realizes he's fake, and are enraged. Luffy finally starts to realize what's going on

    second part

    second half of ohana spoilers

    Sentoumaru: The real one is here too! Aim for him!!
    PX finds the target
    Luffy loses his fake beard, and dodges PX attacks
    Luffy: Hey, what do you think you're doing!! I got important stuff in my bag!!
    Everyone is surprised to see Luffy's face, exactly the same as the wanted posters
    Luffy: Damnit, I was told not to cause trouble or it'll be harder to sail away....
    Sentoumaru: You don't have to set sail. Unlike 2 years ago, I'm a marine soldier now!! I'm going to capture you right here and now!
    PX attacks with beam from their hands, Luffy dodges. Luffy goes into Gear 2, and destroys one of the PX with JET Pistol
    Sentoumaru: He's wearing haki....!!!
    Luffy runs, Sanji and Zoro comes running towards him from behind
    Sanji: Luffy, I knew it!! Why are you always in middle of a trouble!?
    They were about to celebrate their reunion, but a PX starts to fire lasers.
    Sanji and Zoro attacks the PX at the same time. Zoro cuts him, and Sanji breaks its neck with a kick.
    The other pirates are amazed that they are nothing like the fake ones
    Zoro: Luffy, you're ninth.
    Sanji: Shut up. Why are you so proud of that!? Luffy hurry, everyone's waiting
    Luffy: Yeah!! Man, I'm so happy!! It's been 2 years!!
    Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro runs
    Luffy finds Rayleigh sitting on a tree far away
    Luffy: Rayleigh!!
    Rayleigh: Hahaha, I came to make sure you're alright but... it seems like it. You've honed your strength even more. Now hurry to your crew.
    Luffy raises his fists: Rayleigh! I'm gonna do it!!
    Rayleigh: ?
    Luffy: I'm going to be the Pirate King!!
    Tears in Rayleigh's eyes

    Just you wait, New World!!


    Credits: Ohana, saladesu
    Source: 2ch, MH
    Verification: confirmed

    601 ROMANCE DAWN for the new world

    Cover is Nami and the swindler bird from Alabasta

    Sabaody Grove 33
    Brook is riding with the Flying Fish Riders towards grove 42 in the midst of the commotion

    Grove 41
    Sanji is confirming the meeting place with Franky via the mini Den Den Mushi
    Zoro: What is it?
    Sanji: Didn't you hear? Um. Navy. Coming. Our. Ship. Can we get away?
    Zoro: Why are you speaking so haltingly!? Are you a toddler!! Explain that in a proper sentence!!!
    Sanji: I thought that would be all a muscle-brained idiot like you could understand...
    Zoro: Right, I'm going to slash you later. More importantly, isn't there a big commotion going on on that island over ther?
    Sanji: You're right... Over there. Noisy.

    Grove 46. Assembly grounds of the Fake Strawhats
    The pirates are creating a commotion
    Luffy: Zoro, Sanji, is that guy (fake Luffy) your acquaintance? Actually, a little while back
    The navy appear: Be silent and get on the ground~ We've blocked all entrances and exits!!
    Fake Luffy gives orders to Caribou and Coribou!
    Caribou ignores fake Luffy's orders and shoots a weak member of the navy who did not even have any intention to fight
    Fakes vs the Navy
    PX appears then
    PX: I have confirmed the presence of Straw Hat Luffy. Establishing target
    Fake Luffy: Is that the real thing? It's taking aim at me...
    Pacifista 2 shoots at Doughtie. In the midst of the commotion, fake Luffy gets away
    Sentoumaru appears then.
    Sentoumaru: Why are you being called the Straw Hat?
    Fake: Do you know who I am? Clear a path! I'm the son of Dragon and grandson of Garp, with a bounty of 400mil on my head
    Sentoumaru: The real Straw Hat isn't some pile of shit like you.
    Sentoumaru strikes him with his sickle
    Sentoumaru confirms the identity of fake Luffy using the pacifista
    Fake luffy = bounty 2.6mil pirate Three Tongued Demaro Black
    It is revealed to everyone that he is a fake. All the pirates are enraged. Luffy finally gets an idea what is going on.

    Sentoumaru: The real one is here too! Get him!
    PX locks on to the target
    Luffy has taken off his fake moustache. He evades PX's attacks
    Luffy: What are you doing! I've got some really important lunch boxes in my backpack!
    Everyone is shocked to see the Luffy who actually has the same face as the one on the wanted posters
    Luffy: Even though I was told that if there was a commotion it'd be hard to set sail
    Sentoumaru: There is no need for you to set sail. Unlike 2 years ago, I have officially become a member of the navy! I will capture you right here!!
    A beam comes out of the PX's hand, but Luffy evades it. Luffy uses gear second, and destroys 1 PX with a Jet Pistol
    Sentoumaru: He imbued that with Haki...!!
    Luffy runs away, but Zoro and Sanji come running after him
    Sanji: Luffy, it reall was you!! Why are you always caught in some trouble!!
    They were about to rejoice at their reunion, but another PX beam interrupts
    Sanji and Zoro attack the PX at the same time. Zoro slashes. Sanji kicks its neck (and breaks it)
    Other pirates (they're so surprised their eyes are popping out of their heads): They're totally different from the fakes ~
    Zoro: Luffy, you're the ninth
    Sanji: Shut up, just how proud of yourself can you get!! Luffy, we have to hurry, everyone's waiting at the ship
    Luffy: Got it!! Iya~ I'm so happy~ It's been 2 years, hasn't it~!!
    Luffy, Zoro, Sanji set out running
    Luffy spots Rayleigh sitting in a tree from afar
    Luffy: Rayleigh!!
    Rayleigh: Fufufu, I came to see how you were, but you seem just fine. You've polished your power even more. Well then, hurry on to where your nakama are
    Luffy: Yeah!! Rayleigh, thank you so much for everything these 2 years!!
    Rayleigh: Fufu, it's not the time to be all formal, hurry and go...
    Luffy raises a fist: Rayleigh, I'm going to do it!!!
    Rayleigh: ?
    Rayleigh: I'll become the pirate king!!
    Rayleigh tears up

    Just you wait, New World!!

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